Journal of Nongken Medicine
1Carter TR, Bailie DS, Edinger S. Radiofrequency electrothermal shrinkage of the anterior cruciate ligament. Am J Sports Med,2002,30(2):221~226 被引量:1
2Fanton GS, Khan AM.Monopolar radiofrequency energy for arthroscopic treatment of shoulder instability in the athlete. O rthop Chin North Am. 2001, 32(3):511~523 被引量:1
3Lephart SM, Myers JB, Bradley JP, Fu FH.Shoulder proprioception and function following thermal capsulorraphy. Arthroscopy. 2002, 18(7): 770~778 被引量:1
4Wong KL,Williams GR. Complications of thermal capsulorrhaphy of the shoulder. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2001: 83-A Suppl 2 Pt 2:151~155 被引量:1
5Yetkinler DN, Greenleaf JE, Sherman OH. Histologic analysis of radiofrequency energy chondroplasty. Clin Sports Med. 2002 Oct: 21(4): 649~661 被引量:1
6Hogan CJ, Diduch DR. Progressive articular cartilage loss following radiofrequency treatment of a partial-thickness lesion. Arthroscopy.2001 Jul;17 (6):E24 被引量:1
7Owens BD, Stickles B J, Balilian P et al. Prospective analysis of radiofrequency versus mechanical debridement of isolated patellar chondral lesions.Arthroscopy. 2002, 18(2): 151~155 被引量:1
8Kaplan et al. The acute effects of radiofrequency energy in articular cartilage.Arthroscopy. 2000, 16(8): 877~878 被引量:1
9Lu Y, Edwards RB 3rd, Nho S, Cole BJ, Markel MD. Lavage solution temperature influences depth of chondrocyte death and surface contouring during thermal chondroplasty with temperature-controlled monopolar radiofrequency energy. Am J Sports Med. 2002, 30(5): 667~673 被引量:1
10Lu Y, Edwards RB 3rd, Nho S et al. Thermal chondroplasty with bipolar and monopolar radiofrequency energy:effect of treatment time on chondrocyte death and surface contouring. Arthroscopy. 2002,18(7): 779~788 被引量:1
1陈琦,王大平,朱伟民.射频消融能量在关节软骨损伤治疗中的临床应用与实验研究进展[J].中国临床解剖学杂志,2011,29(4):478-480. 被引量:3
2梁天北,谢植远,黎庆初,刘雄文.CT引导下胶原酶与等离子刀治疗椎间盘源性下腰痛的临床疗效[J].中国医药指南,2009,7(4):53-54. 被引量:3
3齐新文,王兆杰,安荣泽,俞华威,陈军平.锁定钢板治疗锁骨近端粉碎骨折[J].江苏医药,2011,37(20):2435-2436. 被引量:2
5孙建华,刘维钢,史晨辉,王永明,董金波,李宽新,何斌.射频能量在治疗关节软骨退变中对软骨细胞及基质的影响[J].中国矫形外科杂志,2005,13(19):1494-1496. 被引量:4
6张凯,王大平,刘建全,朱伟民.射频能量治疗关节软骨损伤研究现状[J].国际骨科学杂志,2011,32(3):164-166. 被引量:1
7Lenihan Jr. J.P,Tomsen T,Smith M,朱晓明.中至重度压力性尿失禁的绝经前及绝经后妇女接受非手术射频能量法行组织微重塑后的生活质量的比较[J].世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册),2005,0(10):12-13.
8沈鹏程,徐能,蒋富贵,朱立帆,翁峰标,王友华.经后外侧入路初次行人工全髋关节置换术外旋肌群与关节囊修复对预后的影响[J].中国修复重建外科杂志,2012,26(11):1300-1305. 被引量:11
9翁雨雄,王发斌,洪光祥,康浩,陈振兵,黄启顺.陈旧性近侧指间关节侧副韧带损伤的治疗[J].中华手外科杂志,2006,22(4):232-233. 被引量:12
10王立勋.射频能量在治疗关节软骨面不平中对软骨细胞及基质的作用[J].国外医学(骨科学分册),2004,25(2):127-128. 被引量:7