目的 了解合肥市细菌性痢疾(简称“菌痢”)流行状况,为制定菌痢的防治对策提供科学依据。方法 对合肥市1995~2004年疫情统计资料中菌痢的流行概况进行分析。结果 1995~2004年间,全市共报告菌痢发病29364例,年均发病率68.67/10万,死亡3例,年平均死亡率为0.007/10万,病死率0.01%。1995年为发病率最高年份,报告病例数4146例,发病率为101.56/10万;2002年为发病率最低年份,报告病例数2249例,发病率为51.87/10万。全市7个县区中平均发病率最高的是位于合肥东部的瑶海区和位于合肥中北部的庐阳区,分别为158.32/10万和157.76/10万;位于合肥东、西、北方向的肥东、肥西、长丰3个县发病率比较低,在36.40/10万-41.61/10万之间;病例以儿童为主,10岁以下儿童发病率最高。结论 合肥市1995~2004年菌痢流行强度呈下降趋势;但仍应加强预防工作。流动人口,特别是流动人口中的儿童是预防菌痢的重点人群。
Objective To Understand epidemiological status of bacillary dysentery in Hefei city so as to provide scientific basis for making countermeasures of the disease. Methods Epidemiological data collected from 1995 to 2004 were analyzed statistically. Results A total number of 29364 bacillary dysentery cases was reported from 1995 to 2004, with a annual average incidence of 68.67/100 000 and 3 cases died with a mortality of 0. 007/100 000. A number of 4146 bacillary dysentery cases were reported in 1995. The incidence was the highest, with the incidence of 101.56/100 000. 2249 bacillary dysentery cases were reported in 2004. The incidence was the lowest, with the incidence of 51.87/ 100 000. There are three counties and four districts in the city. Yaohai district and Luyang district had the highest incidence of the disease, with the incidence of 158.32/100 000 and 157.76/100 000 respectively. Feidong county,feixi county and changfeng county had lower incidence of the disease, the incidence ranged from 36.40/100 000 to 41.61 / 100 000. Most cases were children. Children under 10 years old had the highest incidence of the disease. Conclusions Incidence of bacillary dysentery showed downward trend in the period from 1995 to 2004 in Hefei. Strengthening epidemic situation management, conducting health education and improving sanitary condition were the most effective way to reduce bacillary dysentery incidence.
Anhui Journal of Preventive Medicine
bacillary dysentery