Objective: To analyse the causes of misdiagnosis and mistherapy in acute pancreatitis (AP) and sunmarize the experiences and lessons in order to improve the diagnostic and therapeutic levels. Methods: Forty - Six literatures in which AP were misdiagnosed as other diseases were searched among database of Chinese journal from 1989 to 2003. There were 646 cases in total, including 311 male cases and 335 female cases. An average age was 44.18 years old. In these cases, 228 were severe acute pancreatitises and 418 mild acute panereatitises. Two- hundred and eleven cases were reported from university hospital, and other 272, 151 and 12 eases were from provincial or city hospitals, county hospitals and country hospitals, respectively. Resuits: Three- hundred and thirty- two cases with AP were mainly misdiagnosed as gastrointestinal diseases, liver and biliary diseases in 217 caeses, cardiovascular diseases 41 cases, gynecological and obstetrical diseases 24 eases and other diseases 32 cases. Sixty patients died, including 55 eases after operation and 5 cases without operation. The correct diagnosis was eventually made according to the elevation of amylase in serum or urine on 405 eases, B - type ultrasonic examination in 374 cases, CT scanning in 264 cases and operation 247 eases. Conclusion: The main causes of misdiagnosis were being satisfied with the original diagnosis, superficial understanding of predisposing condition, lack of correct analysis the causes of general peritonitis, lack of knowledge of those special-type of pancreatitis and mistakes in the analysis of the assistant examination. The measures in order to reduce the ate of misdiagnosis and mistherapy were postulated.
West China Medical Journal