对主产区花椒主要营养成分的测定结果表明,醇溶抽提物含量较高的有秦安、凤县、汉源、韩城和茂县,分别为276.9、253.8、252.7、250.2和247.1 g/kg;不挥发性乙醚抽提物含量较高的有韩城、芮城、凤县、武都和秦安,分别为131.5、130.2、123.5、122.2和115.5 g/kg;挥发油含量较高的有凤县、芮城、武都、太白和茂县,分别为52.0、48.0、40.0、37.0和37.0 g/kg;蛋白质含量较高的有韩城、芮城、凤县、秦安和汶川,分别为130.6、126.4、122.0、113.2和106.2 g/kg。在矿质元素中,钙含量以茂县、芮城、凤县、秦安、武都的较为丰富,磷以凤县、芮城、秦安、茂县、韩城的较为丰富,铁以茂县、芮城、凤县、陈仓的较高。
The main nutritional components of Chinese prickly ash in different producing region were determined. The result showed that the higher contents of extracts dissolved in alcohol were Qin'an,Feng County , Hanyuan , Hancheng and Mao County , it was 2769, 253.8, 252.7, 250.2 and 247.1g/kg respectively. The higher contents of unvolatilizable extracts dissolved in ether were higher Haneheng, Ruicheng, Feng County, Wudu and Qin'an, it was 131.5, 130. 2, 123. 5, 122. 2 and 115.5 g/kg respectively. The higher contents of volatilization oil were Ruicheng, Wudu, Feng County , Taibai and Mao County, it was 52.0,48.0, 40.0, 37.0 and 37. 0 g/kg respectively. The contents of the protein in the prickly ash of Feng County, Hancheng, Ruicheng, Qin'an and Wenehuan were rich, it was 130. 6, 126. 4, 122.0, 113.2 and 106.2 g/kg respectively. The content of calcium in the prickly ash of Mao County, Ruicheng, Feng County, Qin'an, Wudu, were higher phosphorus contents in the prickly ash of Ruicheng , Feng County , Qin'an, Mao County, Hancheng,and iron contents in the prickly ash of Mao Country, Ruicheng , Feng Country ,Chencang were comparatively abundant.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica