

Cloning and Sequencing of CTP Synthetase cDNA from Chinese Hamster Cells
摘要 用RACE-PCR方法合成了中国仓鼠细胞CTP合成酶的cDNA,经克隆到载体并转化大肠杆菌。从大小不同的插入片段中筛选出一个1.3kb的片段进行测序。结果表明,此片段为CTP合成酶的CDNA。 The CTP synthetase cDNA was clonedfrom Chinese hamster lung cells V_(79) .By comparison ofthe amino acid sequence of CTP synthetase with thecounterpart of other species published,it was showthat the CTP synthetase was a highly conserved andstable gene among the mammalian cells, but more dif-ferences of the CTP synthetase sequence could be seenbetween procaryotic and eukaryotic cells.This phe-nomenon suggested that the catalysing model of theenzyme might have some small differences in the or-ganisms.
作者 翟朝阳
出处 《华西医科大学学报》 CSCD 1995年第1期45-49,共5页 Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences
关键词 CDNA 中国仓鼠 克隆 胞苷三烯酸 合成酶 CTP synthetase cDNA Chinese hamster cells
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