The coputation behavior related to male sex pheromone of
cotton bollwormwas examined by direct observation. The behavior can be divided into
following sequence:fe-males calling,male responsing, male approaching female,hai vpencil
displaying,and copulat-ing。When both females and males were three days old
females'calling behavior is not affect-ed by isolation from males and females maintained in the
space with odors of male sexpheromone components.Furthermore,males isolated from females
with no opportunity forcontamination by femal sex pheromone exhibited sexual behavior,which
occurs simultane-ously with female calling behavior when both sexes maintained at the same
conditions.Com-paring with females of three days old paired with males aged from one to four
days,the cop-ulcation rate reached as high as 80%only both females and males all were three
days old.A-mong several treatments,males with one antenna,females with no antennae paired
with no-mal opposite sexes can keep their copulation ability.On condition that females with no
anten-nae the copulation rate decreased by 40%;Males with no antennae and no hairpencil can
notcopulate anymore,The ultramacroscopic structure of the scales on hairpencils was
observedby Scanning electron microscpy。Also,the behavior of male hairpencil display was
discussedin the paper.
Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Natural Sciences)