To study the possible effect of extremely
low frequency magnetic field(ELMF)on brainfunction state,behavioral results and event-related
potentials(ERPs)during mental arithmetic(MA)were compared in six normal subjects(18~2l yrs)
before and after ELMF stimulation. Two types ofMA, succesive and selective addition,were used
of which each set was consisted of auditorily inputted30 one-digit numbers.During selective
addition only odd or even numbers(Target ) should besummed. There were four sets of test in
one experiment with 15 min interval between. ELMF stimula-tions were given after the lst and
3rd sets of test,provided by two parallel coils positioned at each sideof the head which were
driven by 5 or 7 Hz triangular signals so that ELMF strengh of 2 and 1 mT atmidpoint was
obtained for the lst and 2nd stimulations respectively. Each subject completed two experi-ments
on different days with 5 or 7 Hz ELMF stimulation respectively. EEG signals were
recordedduring MA at F5,F6,Fz,C5,C6,Cz,P5,P6 nd Pz referenced to the linked mastoids.The
results were as follows:The correct rate of both kind MAs were increased after the lst
ELMFstimulation,and reached 100%in the 3rd set of test, but declined after the 2nd stimulation.
Interest-ingly, the slow positive potentials in the Target-ERPs at posterior brain regions
revealed changes par-alleled with the behavioral resuls. Significant correlations(P<0. 025 or P <
0. 01 ) were found be-tween the correct rates and the areas under Target-ERPs from 200 to 400
ms after auditory input forsuccesive and from 200 to 600 ms for selective addition.The results
suggest that ELMF stimulationmay improve the brain function state,but the effect is dependent
upon the concurrent brain state.
Space Medicine & Medical Engineering
magnetic field magnetic effect mental performance
brain function event-relatedpotentialsAddress reprint requests to:WEI Jinhe. Institute of Space
Medico-Engineering, Beijing 100094,China