Seventeen cases of spinal cord injurieswere treated by electro-acupuncture. TheGovernor Vessel points and Jiaji (Extrapoints)at top and bottom of the spinal cordwith injuries were chosen for acupunctureAddedQuchi (Lill ) and Waiguan (SJ5 ) forupper Limbs paralysis, Biguan (ST31 ) andFutu (ST32 ) for Lower limbs paralysis,Pangguanshu (BL28 ) and Qihai (RN6) forurinary and fecal incontinence. The pointswere acupunctured with reinforcing and reducingmanipulation. Then electro-stimulationwas added. The treatments were givenone time every day, and one course wasmade up of fen fimes. After 2. 55 ±1. 53courses, the patient's motor function, sensation,defecation and emiction were allmarkedly improved. The results were asfollowing: 3 cases cured, 4 markedly effective,9 improved and 1 failed.
Hainan Medical Journal