本文采用准地转锋生函数及Q矢量散度对1990年3月23日06时至26日00时发生在贵州省的静止锋进行了诊断分析。当北部冷空气加强时,引起静止锋锋生,并且向南移动。在850 hPa上,准地转上升运动在静止锋周围呈东北-西南向的带状分布,准地转上升运动的极大值区在位置上与降水中心对应较好,并且能反映其强度变化。
A quasi-stationary cold front, which happened in the Southwest of China from 23 to 26 March 1990, was analysed in this paper by using the quasi-geostrophic frontogenesis function and Q-vector divergence, and routine synoptic sounding data. When the cold air on the north side of the front is strengthened, the frontogenesis of the stationary front is occurred, and the front moves southward. At the low level (850 hPa) along the front, the area of the quasi-geostrophic motion upward is zone distribution from northeast to southwest. The divergence field of the Q-vector can well reflect the variation of the precipitation along the front.
Plateau Meteorology