Codonellina biformis sp. nov. (figs. 1A-R)Holotype No. 85FBY001, off Linshan Island in the Jiaozhou Bay (34'45'N, 120'00,E),about 20 meters deep, May 5, 1985, LIU Xi-xing, a bilaminar peony flower colony onthe artificial fish reefs.Paratype No. (IFBY001, off Xujiamadao in the Jiaozhou Bay (36'03,15'N, 120'40,20'T), 5 meters deep, May 10, 1991, LIU Xi-xing, a unilamina colony on the reteporidPhdolOPOra paciffr.a.'Colony incrusting-erect, forming a unilaminar circular patch or an irregularly-shapedincrustation on the substratum, or forming an erect peony flower shaped mass caused by upright growth of adjacent zooids detached from the substratum. Zooids hexangular, arrangedin quincuncial series, distinct and separated by interzooidal grooves. Orifice lepraliform,`with a large U-shaped anter and a small lunar poster, and a robust obtusely triangularcondyle located at the boundary between the anter and poster at each side. Peristome thinand somewhat raised, without oral spines. Operculum equal to the orifice in shape and size,with a complete, robust chitinous sclerite around the perisphery of the operculum. Frontalwalls flattened or somewhat raised immediately proximally to the orifice, and uniformly perforated. Suboral avicularia varied in size and shape, usually directed proximally, or slightlyobliquely to one side, with a circularly triangular, semielliptical, or rectangular and spatulatemandible. Ovicells hyperstomial, immersed in the distal zooid to the fertilized zooid at theirbase, usually longer than wide, globose, and perforated on their surface.Remarks The most conspicuous feature of this new species is its colony being dimorphic, namely the colony is sometimes incrusting, unilaminar, and it is sometimes erect, biLamlnar. Some zooids in the gorwing margins of an incrusting unilaminar colony are trendedto grow upright detached from the substratum. The other conspicuous feature of this newspecies is the variation in the size and shape of the suoral avicularia. Generally speaking, thesmall obtusely triangular o
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica