Archean continental crust in China mainly occurs with in the North China or Sino-Korean cra-ton.It consists of the high grade metamorphic granulite facies belts,areas of various amphibolites fa-cies and intermediate lower grade greenstone-granite terrains and the metamorphic assemblages maybe divided into 4 episodes of evolution:Eoarchcan,Paleoarchcan,Mesoarchean and Neoarchean,Granulite facies belt comprises mainly tonalitic granite gneisses with a small amount of supracrustalrocks or chiefly supracrustal rocks with some granites.The greenstone granite terrains are mostly ofNeorchean in ages,the greenstones are of mafic-volcanic sedimentary associations.The source of themafic volcanics in this association may derive from re latively depleted upper mantle in rifting environ-ment of continental margin.At the end of Archean the plate tectonic regime in general began to dis-play after the Late Archean cratonization of the continental crust of the most part of the North ChianCraton.Since then,the North China Craton becomes one of the typical cratons of the world.All ofthose rock assemblages mentioned are the products of the subduction and collision processes of collagein the model of the plate tectonics.The situation of the old continental blocks or cratons maintained to-pographically in their high position,surely,may be caused by the vertical enthickening with horizonalsheeted piles in the lower crust in compressional underplating model.