本文报告应用玻璃体切割、膜剥离、眼内空气填塞及巩膜环扎术治疗各种复杂性视网膜脱离(简称网脱)50例50眼。包括屈光间质混浊性网脱6例,伴 PVR 网脱23例,外伤或其它原因的牵引性网脱6例,后极裂孔网脱12例,巨大裂孔3例。追踪为三个月到一年。结果显示解剖学复位27例(54%),失败23例(46%),成功病例中,视力进步者24例,不变者2例,退步者1例。主要手术并发症有视网膜出血6例,脉络膜出血1例,医源性裂孔2例。晶体混浊加剧4例。
50 cases (50 eyes) of various co-mplex retinal detachments (RD) were treated with a combination of vitrectomy,membrane peeling,intra-ocular air tamponade and scleral encircling.RD with opaque media,RD with proliferative vitroretinopat-hy,traction RD due to trauma or other factors,RD with posterior breaks,and giant tears were included.During the follow-up periors of 3—12 months,27 ca-ses (54%) obtained anatomic reatteachment,23 failed
(46%).Of the successful case,24 eyes achived improvement,2 eyes remained unchanged,and one eye became worse in their vision.The surgery complications were:retinal haemorrhage,choroidal haemorrhage,iatrogenic tears,and the development of cataract.
Eye Science