The distributional tcgularity of underground biomass with time and space in the three type of salinizedswards was measured in Hcxi Corridor.The results indicated that 1)Observed from the soil profile, the distribution of the underground biomase,took a shape of‘T’.Thebiomass drastically abounded at 30~40cm due to the growing reed rhizomes at this layer in Triglochimmaritimum sward. In Juncus bofonius sward the root system was abundant at the top layer and the root ratio of0~10cm to 10~20cm is 5.0.The underground biomass in Phragmite communis+Leymux dasystachys swardswas relatively poor because of the fewer species in the sward than those in the other swards.2) The distributional features of the underground biomass observed could be fitted with non linearfunctions, the results of Darameter estimation were as follows:T.martimum Sward:Y=234.716+23544.542/x (r=0.975 F=245.95)x∈(0~50cm)J.bofonius Sward:Y=179.386×e25.04/x r=0. 978 F=279. 209)X∈(0~50cm)P.communis+Leymus dasystechys Sward:Y=36. 001+2379. 572/x(r=0.947 F=138.797)x∈(0~60cm 3)The living roots of above swardS reached to the maxim um at end of growing season and relativeamount is 90.92%,94.7% and 90.17% for T.martimum sward,J.bofonius sward,P.communis +L.dasystechys sward respectively.The roots at top layers were aboud nat and active. The variation of therelative amount for living roots at top layers was 32.25%~45.18%,29.68%~63.43%,25.07%~42.90% respectively for above swards.In contrast the variation for dead rcots was 32. 32%~51.2%,37.18%~74.45%and 25.0%~41.67% respectively.In conclusion the root types and distributionalfeatures of the species in the comm unity were the factors that infl uence the distribution of undergroundbiomass of sward.
Acta Prataculturae Sinica
underground biomass,root system,Triglochin maritium,Juncus bofonius,Phramite communis,Leymus dasystachys