The photosynthetic characteristics of Manchurian Walnun,Manchurica Ash,Amur Cock-tree,Amur Linden and Asian white Birch were studied in this paper.The results show that the chloro-phyll contents increase while young leaves grow and the ability of photosynthesis and the reductase ac-tivity of nitrate also increase.In sunny days,photosynthetic curves of Asian white Birch and ManchurianAsh are double humps ,other three species are single hump. In sunny days after raining,the photosyn-thetic curves of Asian white Birch and Manchurian Ash are single huinp,others are double hump.Incloudy days,the photosynthetic curves of five species are similar to light intensities curves. The testsprove that during the young leaves growing, the reductase activity of nitrate is interrelated with the pho-tosythetic rate,the air relative humility becomes ruling factor in utilizing light energy besides light influ-ence on photosynthetic rate of every species.
Photosynthetic rate,Chlorophyll content,Reductase ativity of nitrate,Broad-leaved trees