S. D rats were sensitized with PHA and were killed after two weeks. Peritoneal MC were collect-ed and separated using Arabic gum separating solution. Those MC were attacked by adding PHA andfol1owed by incubating at 37 °C in water bath. After incubating for 5, 1O, l5, 2O, 30min and Ih,eachincubating medium was aspirated. The MC peroxidase was separated by disc electrophoresis and wasstained by ascrobic acid-benzidine stain. The relative peroxidase activity was calculated. Mean while,1O drops of 20 minute incubating medium were aspirated, fixed,embeded,sectioned,stainedand exam-ined under the electronic microscope routinely- 35 different kinds of 10 S. D. rat, s tissues were cut,embeded,sectioned,and stained with the toluidine blue and examined under light microscope for ob-serving the tissue distribution of MC. The results were as follows: (l )The peroxidase released fromthe PHA attacked MC was successfully demonstrated; (2)As comparing with the c0ntr0l group, theincreasing of the relative peroxidase activity in experirnental groups was not obvious at the intervals of5min and 10min incubating, but was obvious as the intervals of 15~3Omin incubating. No significantincreasing of the relative peroxidase activity was found at 60min incubating1 (3)When incubating for2Omin,the degranulation ratio of the experimental groups was 76%,while that of the control groupswas l6% only. There were two kinds of vacuoles in the degranulating MC plasrna, vacuoles withmembrane and without rnembrane. (4 ) The MC in skin, lung, respiratory tract, digestive tract, boneand thymus were prevalent. The order of MC number decreasing was as follows:urinary tract,repro-ductive tract, heart, liver, spleen, kidney. No MC was found in brain, spinal cord, hypophysis andtestls.
Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine