本文介绍了用原子吸收分光光度法测定葡萄糖酸锌(Zinc Gluconate,ZG)兔体内血清锌浓度,用一室模型分析了ZG在家兔体内的药动学参数以及硫酸锌片剂,ZG水剂相对于ZG片剂对锌的生物利用度,硫酸锌片剂,ZG水剂相对于ZG片剂对锌的生物利用度分别为24.9%和62.1%。实验结果表明:ZG具有口服吸收快,维持时间长,峰浓度高的特点,是一优于硫酸锌的良好补锌剂。
In this experiment, the pharmacokintic and bioavailability of Zinc gluconate(ZG) in rabbits are studed by employing an atomic absorption spectrophotometer method. ZG pharmacokintic parameters in the rabbits were analysed by one compartament model. The comparative bioavailability of Zinc for Zinc sulfate tablet compared with ZG tablet is 24.9% whereas the aquaous solution of ZG is 62.1% relative to ZG tablet. The results reveal that ZG tablet has greater oval absorbiliity, longer maintenance time and higher peark concentration than both the ZG solution and the zinc sulfate tablet. Therefare, ZG tablet is the best dosage form in this experiment.
zinc gluconate, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, pharmacokintic, bloavailability