The measurement technology of petrophysic parameters under a simulated Hi - temperature and pressure formation envirornent is the currcnt trcnd in the field of core analysis. This paper discusscs a CPM system of automatic measuremeunt of porosity of rock under Hi - temperature and pressure envirorneut' Applying PVT equation, the system measures porosity of rock at the temperature from 20 tf (ambient ) to 150℃ and a prcssure range from 1 MPa to 20 MPa' This data acquisition systcm is hoth highly - automatic and accuratc dut. to its adoption of computer intcrface tcchni,lues. The crror of porosity is usually less than ±0. 3 pu' The results from a lot of practical corc tcsts show that porosity at conditioll of Hi - tempcrature and prcssure is less than that measured at normal condition. Porosity is input parameters for both formation evaluation with well - logging and reservation estimation. Thererore, the simulating in - sitc testings are necessary.
Petroleum Instruments