Abstract cases of delayed flexor pollicis longus tendon injury were treated recent years.The follow-up results of 40 cases are showen:In 18 cases Of zoneⅡ,11 Cases of zone Ⅲ and 11cases of zone IV injury,the active range of motion of the IP joint averaged 38, 36 and 31 degrees respectively.And in 8cases of direct suture,7 Cases of free tendon graft and 25 cases of flexor digitorum superficilis tendon transfer,the activerange of motion of the IP joint averaged 36,27and 43 degrees respectively. The method of repair should be Choosed according to different location of the lesion.Flexor digitorum superficialis tendon transfer is an effective technique in reconctruction of thumb flexion in delayed zone Ⅲinjury.
Chinese Journal of Hand Surgery