he sarnples for fungi culture were
collected from11 body parts of 1109 patients who had been admittedto hospitals in Wuhan for
more than 3 days. The bodyparts included the cavities and foramina tinner can-thus, nasal
vestibule, external auditory canal) , skin( finger raphe, cubital fossa , axillary fossa , nipple)
,and mucosa (pharynx, vagina, coronary sulcus andanal canal). 201 healthy subjects were also
examinedand served as controls. It was found that the total fun-gusbearing rate in hospitalized
patients was 88. 73%(984/1109), while the rate in healthy suhJect was76. 62% (154/201) (X2 =
21. 61). Among the hospi-talized patients, the fungus-bearing rate in patientswith leukemia,
tumors, connective tissue diseases orsevere infectious diseases was significantly higher
thanother patients (X2 = 4. 30~9. 87). In the hospitalizedpatients, the body parts with highest
fungus-bearingrates were cavities and foramina , 80. 70 % ( 895/1109)for patients and 71.
64%(144/201 ) for healthy sub-jects respectively. The skin had lowest fungus-bearingrate. 20.
02% (222/1109) and 13. 43% (26/201),and the mucosa had a rate of 50. 77% (563/1109)
forpatients and 32. 34% (65/201) respectively. The fungiin the hospitalized patients included
1884 strains (mean= 1. 92 strains per case) in which the Candida account-ed for 29. 78%
(561/1884) and Aspergilla 24. 31%( 458/1884) and those identified in healthy subjectscovered
234 strains (mean = 1. 52 strains per person) inwhich Peniczllia accounted for 45. 30% (106/234)
andSarcharomycetes 26. 07% (61/234 ). The patients whohad been hospitalized for 3~10 days
and over 20 dayshad higher fungusbearing rate as compared with thosewho had been
hospitalized for 10 to 20 days (X2=5. 633 ~ 97. 09 ). The patients before the administra-tion of
antibiotics and adrenocortical steroid and thosewho had
National Medical Journal of China