Abstract12 dogs were divided into three groups of L_4 root crossover anastomosis S_2 root, sacral root free anasto-mosis and control. All dogs received urodynamic test before and after operation and before sacrmce. The re-sults of cystometry demonstrated the detrusor reflex had returned 7 months after operation in two groups of nerve renovation. The characteristics of axonal regen-eration were revealed by immunohisto-cytochemistry and the count of nerve fibres number;was compared with that by morphometric analysis in proximal and distal end of anastometric stoma;The comparison dis-played a significant difference between nerve anastomo-sis groups and control group.Neural tracing study with horseradish peroxidase(HRP) in two dogs with the op-eration of L_4 crossover S_2 showed that lumbar somatic motor axons had regenerated successfully into the bladder and replaced previous sacral parasym-pathetic.Urethral sphincter function was still poor and urethralpressure was not changed post-operathdy,though theelectromyograme showed some improvement.Themethod of lummbar root or free sacral root anastomosiswith sacral root is practicable for restoration of bladderfunction.
Chinese Journal of Surgery