AbstractThe aim of this study is to determine the preventiveeffect Of F-Mo preparation on artificial rootsurfacecarles.60 premolar teeth extraced for orthodontic purposewere divided into five groups. A window was preparedon every tcoth. They were treated by 10%(NH_4)_2MoO_2F_4 , 38%Ag (NH_4)_2F, 2% NaF, 7. 3%(NH_4)_2MoO_4 and deionized water for 2 minutes andthree times. They were then put in the fluid containedcariogenic bacteria for 96 hours to produce root caries.The root surface lesion of every tcoth was examined andanalysed by micro-radiography , SEM and spectrum.The result showed that the lesion depth of thegroups treated by 10% (NH_4)_2MoO_2F_4 and 38%Ag(NH_4)_2F were significantly smaller than the othergroups, and the surface of windows are more integrateand smcoth, and mean mineral concentration is morehigher than those of the other groups.It can be concluded that 10% (NH_4 )_2MoO_2F_4 solu-tion has greater inhibit effect to the development of rootcaries, so as the 38% Ag(NH_4)_2F solution. But the for-mer discolored the tooth much less than the latter.
Chinese Journal of Stomatology