
经食道心脏超声评价主动脉顺应性 被引量:5

Evaluation of Aortic Compliance with Transesophageal Echocardiography
摘要 以经食道心脏超声技术检测46例患者主动脉顺应性。结果显示,随年龄增高而有相应主动脉内径增宽、主动脉搏动幅度和顺应分数减低、主动脉压力相关牵张强度和非压力相关硬化指数加大(r=0.834,-0.834,-0.845,0.813,0.866,n=46,P<0.001,依次)。高血压状态与上述主动脉顺应性参数亦有较好相关性。认为经食道心脏超声检测主动脉顺应性具有一定临床实用价值。 Aortic distensibility was determined in 46 patients by transesophageal echocardiography.The results showed that aging had good correlations with the increase in internal diameter of the aorta,the decreases if the amplitude of aortic pulse and the compliance fraction and the increase in aortic pressure-strain elastic modulus or pressure-independent stiffness index (r=0. 834,- 0. 834,0. 845, 0. 813,0. 866, n= 46,P<0.001,respectively). Hypertension also had reasonable relationshipswith the aortic compliance parameters described above. In conclusion, we consider that transesaphagealechocardiography is an ideal method of the direct noninvasive evaluation of the aortic compliance and hascartain clinical values.
出处 《中华超声影像学杂志》 CSCD 1995年第3期100-102,共3页 Chinese Journal of Ultrasonography
关键词 主动脉顺应性 超声波诊断 心脏病 经食管心脏超 aortic compliance aortic pressure-strain elastic modulus aortic pressure-independentstiffness index transesophageal echocardiography
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