

Probe into the Management Mode of the Libraries in Higher Professional Colleges——Talking about the Recessive Resistances Influencing the Improvement of Librarians’Quality in the Rail-changing Mechanism
摘要 就升格后的高职院图书馆管理模式的不足,有针对性地分析了影响高职院图书馆员整体素质提高的隐性阻力,探讨构建无边界组织结构,建立馆内岗位轮换制度的管理模式,以拓宽馆员的工作技能幅度;并从领导艺术的人性化入手探讨换位思维以削减内耗和提高馆内的凝聚力。 In the light of the shortages of the management mode of the library in higher professional college after the level upgrading, this paper analyzes on the recessive resistance that influence the improvement of the integral quality of the librarians of the higher professional college, probes into establishing the borderless organizational structure and the management mode of post-alternating system in the library for broadening the amplitude of librarians'ability, and discusses on the transposition thought for putting down the internal consumptions and increasing the internal cohesion starting from the leadership skill and the humanization.
作者 罗智蒨
出处 《科技情报开发与经济》 2005年第13期45-47,共3页 Sci-Tech Information Development & Economy
关键词 高职院校图书馆 隐性阻力 馆员素质 管理模式 无边界组织 领导艺术 the libraries in high professional colleges recessive resistance quality of librarians management mode boundless structure leadership skill
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