Objective To explore the clinical significance of several treatments for different fractured osterior teeth. Methods 86 fractured posterior teeth were treated with different methods The cracked tooth without pulp involvement was filled with light-cured composite resin after having been given the dumbbell shaped cavity preparation. The cracked tooth involving pulp was restorated with the full crown technique after given the root canal treatment.For each inclined fractured tooth the root canal treatment the post care anchoring technique and the full crown restoration were applied after having been given gingivectomy for the pare involved. The vertically fractured tooth was restorated with the full crown technique after the cohesion fixing method and the root canal treatment have been used . Results The overall efficacy in one year was 91.9% while 87.5% in two years and 79.2% in three years. Conclusion It is suggested that resecting the involved gingiva of the inclined fractured teeth cohering and fixing the crack closely regulating the cuspal level in a large quantity filling the root canal with paste indoform-calcium hydroxide restorating the cacodontia by metallic full crown etc. play an important role in raising the conservative effect of the fractured teeth.
Journal of Tianjin Medical University
Fractured tooth Root canal therapy Restorated by full crown