研究了陕西镇巴县巴山木竹种群的生物量结构。结果表明:(1 )该巴山木竹种群生物量在各构件单位的分配为秆5 5 .5 6% ,叶3 .40 % ,枝9.5 1 % ,鞭8.70 % ,蔸2 0 .77% ,根2 .0 6% ;地上部生物量在各年龄的分配1~5年生的分别为1 9.0 % ,5 .2 % ,5 .4% ,4.3 % ,8.9% ,6和7年生的1 4.6% ,8和9年生的1 8.2 % ,1 0a及以上的2 4.4% ;地下部生物量在各土层中的分配是0~2cm的1 2 .9% ,2 0~40cm的43 .1 % ,40cm以下的44.0 %。(2 ) 3年生及以下幼龄竹和8年生及以上老龄竹的平均秆重低于标准秆重,4~7年生竹的高于标准秆重。(3 )随着竹子幼龄-中龄-老龄的年龄变化,单分株叶构件的绝对重量及其与秆重的比值皆有上升-稳定-下降的变化趋势。
The biomass structure of Arundianaria fargesii was studied in this paper. The results were as follows:(1) The biomass allocations among culm,branch,leaf,root,rhizome,bamboo stump were 55.6%,9.51%,3.40%,2.06%,8.70%,20.77% respectively,while the aboveground biomass allocations of ramets from 1 to 5,6 and 7,8 and 9,10 and more than 10 years old were 19.0%,5.2%,5.4%,4.3%,8.9%,14.6%,18.2%,24.4% respectively,and the underground biomass allocations among 0~20 cm,20~40 cm and more deeper in depth of soil were 13.4%,42.8%,43.8% respectively;(2)The stem weight of bamboos which was less than 3 years and over 8 years were lower than the standard stem weight,while that of the bamboos which between 4 and 7 years were higher than the standard stem weight;(3) Leaf weight per ramet and the ratio of leaf to stem weight showed the same regularity:increasing in young stage,steady in mature stage and declining with ageing.
Journal of Bamboo Research
"十五"科技攻关计划资助项目(2 0 0 1BA5 0 6B0 10 3)