Effect of synchronous leaf pruning on yield and plant development in greenhouse tomato cultivar 'Capita' was investigated. The results indicated that with 6 fruits per truss leaf area index (LAI) was significantly decreased from 2.9 m2/m2to 2.4 m2/m2 by synchronous leaf pruning, therefore total plant yield was significantly decreased by 5.2%, while no significant reduction was observed in fruit yield. With the increment of plant density from 2.5 to 3.8 plant/m2, LAI was increased significantly from 2.4 to 3.6 m2/m2,which resulted in a increment by 32.3% and 38.4% in total plant yield and fruit yield per square meter, respectively, while a reduction by 13.0% and 9.0% in total plant yield and fruit yield per plant, respectively. Both plant development and height were influenced neither by synchronous leaf pruning nor by plant density.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin