In the late15and early16centuries,along with the arrival of the ag es of"the great geographical discoveries",the epoch-making varieties about th e history of the world took place.In order to realize the primitive accumulation of capital,the European nations expanded abroad greatly,looted wealth of the w orld wildly and promoted their thoughts and cultural senses vigorously.The Chris tianity that came from the Hebraic tradition and the philosophical system of Gre ece-Rome and became the prop of the Western spirit and culture later,turned int o the spiritual weapon by which the settlers conquered and ruled the foreign cul tural world,and stepped to every corner of the world following the settlers’pac es.Southeast Asia which plays a very important role in the world’s history and i s the great place that the European and late American settlers expanded abroad, received the cleanliness of the Christian spirit undoubtedly.This article tentat ively gives a superficial study on the origin,process and present situation of t he Christian expansion in Southeast Asia.
In the late15and early16centuries,along with the arrival of the ag es of'the great geographical discoveries',the epoch-making varieties about th e history of the world took place.In order to realize the primitive accumulation of capital,the European nations expanded abroad greatly,looted wealth of the w orld wildly and promoted their thoughts and cultural senses vigorously.The Chris tianity that came from the Hebraic tradition and the philosophical system of Gre ece-Rome and became the prop of the Western spirit and culture later,turned int o the spiritual weapon by which the settlers conquered and ruled the foreign cul tural world,and stepped to every corner of the world following the settlers'pac es.Southeast Asia which plays a very important role in the world's history and i s the great place that the European and late American settlers expanded abroad, received the cleanliness of the Christian spirit undoubtedly.This article tentat ively gives a superficial study on the origin,process and present situation of t he Christian expansion in Southeast Asia.
Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies