
中国构建人与自然的和谐关系:基于经济因素的分析 被引量:3

On the Establishment of Harmonious Relationship between Human and Nature in C hina: An Analysis based on Economic Factors
摘要 中国构建人与自然和谐关系具有必然性,但一些现实因素影响制约着这种关系的建设。就目前而言,经济增长与发展对中国构建人与自然和谐关系是把双刃剑,为此,我们必须采取相应的发展战略和对策,趋利避害,既致力于发展经济,又努力改善人与自然的关系,实现人与自然和谐相处的目标,创建良好的生态环境。 It is necessary for China to establish the harmonious relatio ns hip between human and nature although some realistic factors restricts the estab lishment of it. Currently, economic growth and development is double- edged swo rd for the construction of the harmonious relationship between human and nature. Therefore, in order to realize the target of harmonious relationship between hu man and nature, establish the favorable environment, we must adopt corresponding development strategy and tactics, pursuit the benefit and avoid the shortcoming s, not only commit ourselves to economic development, but also make great effort to improve the relationship between human and nature.
作者 资树荣
出处 《经济学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第4期26-31,共6页 Economist
关键词 人与自然 和谐关系 构建 human and nature harmonious relationship establish
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