4ISO (1997),Business Plan of ISO/Technical Committee 207/Sub-Committee 3, Environmental La-beling. 被引量:1
5UNEP, Criteria in Environmental labeling Comparative Analysis of Environmental Criteria in Selected Labehng Schemes, Environment and Trade No. 13,1997. 被引量:1
6See "Market Access Impact of Eco-Labeling R.equirements",Noteby the Secretariat,WT/CTE/W/79,9 March 1998. 被引量:1
7Report (1996) of the Committee onTrade and En-vironment", WT/CTE/1, 12 November 1996. 被引量:1
8Environmental Labels and Market Access: Case Study on the Colombian Flower Growing Industry, Document from Colombia,WT/CTE/W/76,G/TBT/W/60,9 March 1998. 被引量:1
9"United States-Restrictions on Imports of Tuna from Mexico", circulated on 3 September 1991, not adopted, BISD 39S/155. 被引量:1