AbstractThe lumbar intervertebral discs(L_3~6)were ablat-ed through a transperitoneal approach in 12 adult dogsby usiiig Nd: YAG Iaser(1.06μm) with a 600μmquarz fiber. The status of limbs motion and spliincter(bladder,bowel) was observed for evaluating the safe-tv of laser irradiatin. After irradiation,the animalswere sacrificed at prescribed intervals of up to40 weeks(2、4、8、12 and 40 weeks after operation).The lumbarintervertebral discs were harvested and suhected tolight microscopic observation. No dog had sufferedfrom neurogenic dysfunction of limb motion andsphincter. Histological findings immediately after theirradiation showed the disc was vaporized and a cavitywas made, After 2 and 4 weeks, fibrous tissues beganto pro11ferate , but cartilaginous tissues replaced the fi-brous tissues 12 weeks after thelaser irradiation. Nonew bone formation was found within 40 weeks afteroperation。 On thebasis of this study and our previouscadaveric study , percutaneous laser disc decompression(PLDD ) was applied in clinical practice in march of1993.10 patients underwent PLDD utilizing the samelaser equipment. The average follow-up was 3months.According to the Macnab’ s criteria, therewas an excellent response in 7 patients and a good re-sponse in 3.
Chinese Journal of Surgery