为了进一步证实抗F RImAb特异性地结合至郎格罕细胞(LC)表面,我们用免疫金标记技术进行了免疫电镜检查。发现5nm金颗粒不连续性地分布于LC,而非其它表皮细胞表面,从而证明LC是抗Fc RI反应性表皮细胞。最后,为了了解LC的Fc RI基因表达与否,进行了PCR试验。结果显示在富集LC而非去除LC的表皮细胞悬液中存在Fc RIa、 和 链的转录物。总之,本研究提供了直接证据证明正常人表皮LC表达F RI。
In order to confirm the specific binding of anti--Fos RI InAb to the surface of LC, IEM using immunogold labeling was performed. We found that LC were anti--Fos RI CAb reactive epidermal cells as evidenced by the discontinuous distribution of sum gold particles along the surface of LC, but no other epidermal cells. Furthermore, in an attempt to search for Fos RI gene expression by LC, PCR experiment was performed and the result revealed the presence of Fos RI al 0 and Y chain transcripts in LC--enriched, but not in LC--depleted, cpidermal cell suspensions. Collectively the present studies Provide direct evidence for the presence of Fos RI on epidcrmal LC.
Chinese Journal of Dermatology