

Destruction and Resorption of Neonatal BonySpicules by a Human Osteosarcoma Cell Line:ALight and Ultrastructural Study
摘要 用人成骨肉瘤OS-732细胞系与人胎骨粒共培养,观察瘤细胞浸润及溶解吸收骨质的过程。可见(1)瘤细胞突侵入骨质浅层,包绕骨基质致呈小块状分离,然后吸收;(2)瘤细胞分泌水解酶,直接溶解及吸收骨基质,致骨质表层陷窝状凹陷。故认为瘤细胞能直接浸润及溶解骨质,而不需要破骨细胞的参与。作者尚应用 ̄(45)Ca标记新生小鼠颅骨与人成骨肉瘤细胞系共培养,以及加入骨质溶解促进剂(EGF)及抑制剂(二磷酸盐)后,通过液闪计数仪检测以及 ̄(45)Ca释出的数据,加以比较及分析。结果说明EGF能使骨质溶解增强;小剂量二磷酸盐可抑制骨质的溶解,但大剂量二磷酸盐则有加速骨肉瘤细胞溶解骨质的作用。 AbstractInvasion and resorption of human neonatalbony spicules bv coculture with cells of osteosar-coma cell line(0S一732 )were studied and themorphology observed by light and electron micro-scopes。The process of invasion、and resorption ofbonv matrix by tumor cells can be summarized intotwo patterns。(1)Cytoplasmic processes or mi-crovill of tumor cells invaded and eroded the su-perficial layers of bony matrix into small pieces,followed by phagocytosis and resorption of tumorcells。(2 ) Secretion of lysosomal enzymes,possi-bly collagenase or some other lytic factors by tu-mor cells causing direct lysis and resorption of lo-cal bony matrix with formation ofHowship's lacu-na where the tumor cells were located. All thesemorphological changes indicated that invasion andresorption of bone were mainly by osteosarcomacells l and no evidence of participation by osteo-clasts during the whole course of these process. Inthis report the liberation of  ̄(45)Ca labelled in neona-tal mouse calvaria into the medium after coculturewith the osteosarcoma cells were assaved by scin-tillation,and in some specimens were superaddedwith EGF or diphosphonates at the same times inorder to measure their enects on the liberation of ̄(45)Ca。Theresults showed that theosteosarcomacells can increase the liberation of  ̄(45)Ca into themedium as compared with the control group with-out addition of tumor cells。 Addition of EGF totumor cells can stimulate the increased release of ̄(45)Ca , while small dose of diphosphanates showedevidence of suppressing effects, On the contrary,when larger dose of diphosphonates were used,enhancing effect on the liberation of  ̄(45)Ca into themedium was shown .
出处 《中华骨科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第11期672-675,T002,共5页 Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics
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