[目的]探讨内镜下甲状腺切除的可行性及技术特点。[方法]回顾性总结19例内镜下甲状腺切除的方法与经验,并对其优缺点进行探讨。[结果]腺叶全切12例,腺叶大部切除4例,肿块剜除3例, 手术全部成功,平均手术时间:乳晕入路194 min(140-320 min),胸骨上入路106 min(80-150 min)。与传统甲状腺手术相比,内镜下甲状腺切除美容效果显著,术后恢复较快。[结论]内镜下甲状腺切除安全、可行,目前主要适用于甲状腺良性疾病。
[Objective]To evaluate the feasibility and technique characteristics of endoscopic thyroidectomy. [Method] Between December 2001 and October 2003, nineteen patients were selected to undergo endoscopic thyroidectomy. Patient selection was based on the clinical examination, preoperative untrasonography and fine needle aspiration biopsy were usually performed. Frozen section was examined intraoperatively in all cases, and the cosmetic results were gained from all cases in about 1 month. The details of the surgery were described, the advantage and disadvantage were discussed as well. [Result] Total lobectomy(12 cases), sub-total lobectomy(4cases)and enucleation of thyroid tumor(3 cases) were performed successfully by endoscopic surgery. The mean time of operation was 194 minutes by areola approach and 106 minutes by sternal notch approach. No complications were occurred. All the patients were satisfied with cosmetic results compared with conventional thyroidectomy. [Conclusion] Endoscopic thyroidectomy is a safe and feasible method. We recommended this minimal invasive surgery in benign diseases of thyroid with optimal results.
Bulletin of Science and Technology