he study
was designed to reevaluate the prevalence and significance of
antibody to hepatitis C virus(antiHCV)in sera from patients with
severe viral hepatitis. 103 cases of patients with severe viral
hepatitis werescreened for anti-HCV using ELISA based on synthetic
peptides(spELISA )and second generation ELISA(2nd ELISA), then the
sera positive with anti HCV were identified by second generation
recombinant im-munodot assay(4· RIBA),and tested by reverse
transcription-polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR)for HCVRNA. Positive
rates of anti-HCV detected by spELISA and 2nd ELISA were
22.22%(23/103)and 19. 10%(17/89) respective. Among these sera only
59.09%(13/22) were shown to be positive by 4·RIBA. After 2-4
weeks,in about one third of patients anti-HCV became negative. All
the patients with postive anti-HCVand/or positive HCV RNA were
coinfected with hepatitis B virus,but the patients with positive HCV
RNAshowed poor prognosis. These results suggested that HCV infection
alone seems not to be the major cause ofsevere viral hepatitis. In
some patients anti-HCV may related to post-infection of HCV,“passive
transfer”ofanti-HCV or false detective positive. So it is valuable
to detect HCV RNA for confirming the prevalence of HCV infection.