According to the commitment with the entry into the WTO, the process of liberalizing foreign trade of our country will be deepened and expanded. This essay sets out from liberalizing fereign trade promptly and centres on the balance of macroeconomy. To study the balance of internal macroeconomy , exchange rate policy cooperated with the tariff policy will be analysed with Econometrics; The outside is then analysed with adjusted MF model under the variable of tariffs to probe into the balance of macroeconomy. Whether it is implemented on real example analyses or not, it will finally come to the conclusion to combine with the concret conditions in our country. Facing the pressure that the tariff reduces or remits after our country's entrance to the WTO, adjustment and cooperation with the reform of liberalizing foreign trade with appropriate RMB exchange rate policy can change and keep inside and outside of our country macroeconomy sedulously .
Journal of Central South University:Social Sciences
policy of the tariff
liberalizing foreign trade
exchange rate policy
balanced internal and external macroeconomy