Since the “flowery” (“花部”) theatres got prosperous in the Qing Dynasty, the theatrical troupes of Anhui (徽班), which wer e apt to play in the musical styles of Xipi and Shuanghuang (皮黄声 腔), got upper-hands in this sphere. Peking opera was exactly brough t forth by the artistic practice of the theatrical troupes of Anhui .The prevailing success of the musical styles of Xipi and Shu anghuang was not only embodied in the theatric items put on in the theatres, but also exerted much influence upon scholarly play-writings .The creation of Mistakes in Mistakes in the ninth year of the Age of Daoguang (道光) was the earliest scholarly play-writing of Pe king opera, signifying the start of the great changes of theatrical institutions coming into the scholarly play-writings. Besides, the com ing-up of Mistakes in Mistakes was of epochal significance and u nique textual valour.