Objective To investigate the impact of slice thickness and picth on the image quality of multiplanar reformationsMPRusing multislice spiral CT MSCT. Materials and methods Scannings with four different parameter from the composition of 1mm or 3mm and pitch of 3.5 or 5.5 were performed at a human head sample.Coronal multiplanar reformations were obtained from the volume data sets with an effective thickness of 1mm or 3mm and a gap of a 0.5mm or 1.5mm. Results High quality MPR can be obtained from four sets of volume data.The quality of MPR from images data with the effective of 1mm and the pitch of 3.5 was the highest. The ability to display tiny structure of MPR from the effective thickness of 1mm was supper to that from the effective thickness of 3mm.The influence of pitch on displaying the tiny structure was not significant. Conclusions Slice thickness is the essential factor to impact on the quality while the influence of pitch is not significant.
Hainan Medical Journal