AIM:To investigate the depressive status in Henan residents by means of questi onnaires and discuss its influence on their quality of life considering from the angle of depression. METHODS:One member ≥18 years of age from part of the families of the cities o r counties in Henan province were randomly selected with the method of cluster s ampling between January and December 2003,and totally 3 000 subjects were invest igated with the health and health system responsiveness questionnaire designed b y WHO with the method of entering to the house and face to face inquiry.The co ntents included social demography,depressive manifestation and indexes of living quality.Indexes of living quality referred to 42 indexes in 18 healthy aspects from 3 dimensions of physiology,psychology and social adaptation,each index was divided into 5 grades from good to bad.Among the indexes,23 were of physiologica l dimension,10 of psychological dimension,and 9 of social adaptation dimension.D epressive indexes consisted of the occurring time and duration of depression,and mental status,and the survey of mental status included having the symptoms of d ifficulty in falling asleep,early wake up,decline of appetite,inattention,behavi oral retardation,thought slowness,inactive and losing confidence,feeling of desp air,desire for death,suicidal behavior or not in the past one year.The diagnosti c criteria of depression were having feeling of empty and upset,and easy to feel tired,which lasted for more than two weeks.The general conditions,distribution of depressive symptoms,and the influence of depression on the quality of life of the subjects were mainly observed. RESULTS:The samples in this study were 3 000 members from 3 000 families; A to tal of 3 000 questionnaires were sent out,and all were collected,the collect bac k rate was 100%.①Depression occurred in 169 cases with the prevalence rate of 5.63%,and 49 and 120 of them were from city and countryside respectively,the pr evalence rates were 4.67%and 6.16%respectively;The prevalence r
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation