粤优丝瓜是以汕头丝瓜自交系D2为母本,以雅岗丝瓜自交系S12为父本配制而成的一代杂种.早熟,植株生长势及分枝力强,坐果率高,果实棍棒形,匀称,皮色绿白,瓜纵径49.0 cm、横径4.8 cm,肉厚0.77 cm,单瓜质量0.33 kg,味清甜,每667 m2产量2000~2 500kg.抗枯萎病,高抗疫病,耐霜霉病,适宜广东省春秋种植.
Angular sponge gourd Yueyousigua is a new early F_1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line D_2 and S_ 12 . It has high rate of fruit-setting. The fruit is cylindrical,light-green in colour,sweet in taste, 49.0 cm in length, 4.8 cm in diameter. Average fruit weight is 0.33 kg. It is resistant to Fusarium wilt and blight, tolerant to downy mildew. It yields 30.0-37.5 t·hm -2 , and is suitable for cultivation in south China in spring and autumn.
China Vegetables