Objective To explore the role of double stapling device in surgical treatment in low rectal cancer.Methods A series of 49 cases of anterior reswection with end-to -end anastomosis by using double stapling device were carried out during January 2000 through July 2004,among which 20 casese were low rectal cancer(7cn or less fromm anal verge) accounted for 40.83%.Results There waw no operative death.Anastomotic stricture occurred in 7 cases(14.29%).There was 2 case of local recurrence with an overall local recurrence rate of 4.08%.Conclusion The date have showed that the sphincter saving device has significantly raised the sphincter saving resection rate in low rectal cancer without increasing the local recurrence rate simultaneously.Anastomotic leakage and stricture are two common complications follows low anastomosis with staplers.[
Anhui Medical Journal