赫章县拥有丰富的森林植物资源,已初步查明的木本植物有6 2科2 0 3属6 0 0多种,组成了北亚热带气候环境下的各种典型次生森林群落,在人为破坏状态下发生着向裸地逆行演替并存在着珍稀植物绝灭的严峻现实。本文探讨了该县的木本植物区系组成,并依照植被分类原则,以群落外貌及其建群种为基础,按群系(或群丛组)为单位划分了典型常见的天然林群落类型,对群落外貌、层片结构特征等作了简单描述。
There are abundant tree species in Hezhang County. So far, over 600 species belonging to 203 genera in 62 families are identified, which form various typical secondary forest communities under the climate of northern subtropical zone. The forest is now under the process of retrogression and the rare species under the risk of extinction. In this paper, the woody plant flora of the natural forest communities were studied, and the forest were divided into some vegetation types, with characteristic of each was discussed briefly.
Guizhou Forestry Science and Technology