

The ckanges and clinical significance of theplasma arginine vasopressin (AVP) and atri-al natriuretic peptide(ANP) in heniodialysis
摘要 采用放射免疫法对16例终末期肾衰(ESRF)患者血浆精氨酸加压素(AVP)、心钠素(ANP)水平进行观察。研究发现ESRF患者血浆AVP和ANP水平明显增高。血透后血压正常组病例AVP降至正常,但高血压组血浆AVP水平逐渐升高,且与血钠浓度升高密切相关,可能与该组患者对钠浓度改变处于高敏状态有关。透析后两组患者血浆ANP水平明显下降,并与超滤脱水有关。因此,测定AVP,ANP水平可作为推测透析患者体内水、钠负荷状态,制定个体化透析的灵敏指标。 he changes of the plasma AVP andANP in 16 patients with end-stage renalfailure (ESRF) in hernodialysis were deter-mined by rneans of specific radioim-munoassay. The results showed that thelevels of plasma AVP and ANP in the pa-tients with ESRF were significantly elevat-ed. After hemodialysis, the level of plasmaAVP in the cases of normal blood pressurefell to the normal level ,but the level of plas-ma AVP in the cases of high blood pressurewas gradually elevated and was closely cor-related with the elevation of plasma Na+concentration (r = 0. 63, P < 0. 05). Thismight be related to the patients' hyperreac-tive condition in response to the changes ofNa+ concentration. After hemodialysis thelevels of plasma ANP in two groups of pa-tients decreased significantly ( P< 0.01),itseemed to be closely correlated with ultrafil-tration volume. We believe that the loss ofANP from hemodialysis fluid is not themain reason of the decrease of its blood con-centration, although ANP could passhemodialysis mernbrane.
机构地区 济南军区总医院
出处 《肾脏病与透析肾移植杂志》 CAS CSCD 1994年第5期376-378,共3页 Chinese Journal of Nephrology,Dialysis & Transplantation
关键词 血液透析 精氨酸加压素 心钠素 hemodialysis AVP AVP
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