目的:探讨合适剂量的佳苏仑用于静吸复合全麻后既有较好催醒效果,又能保持生命体征平稳及减少不良反应。方法:60例静吸复合全麻病人随机分A 、B 、C三组,全麻后催醒首剂佳苏仑分别为0.5 mg/kg、1.0 mg/kg和1.5 mg/kg。记录用药前,用药后2 min、5 min、10 min、15 min血压、心率、呼吸次数、潮气量等生命体征数据;观察神志恢复情况及不良反应。结果:患者血压、心率用药后较用药前有不同程度上升,但无显著性差异(P>0.05),B组C组各有2例、5例患者血压、心率上升超过用药前20%以上,未给特殊处理20 min后自行恢复正常;所有病例呼吸次数、潮气量用药后较用药前明显增加(P<0.05),B、C组在5 min、10 min、15min增加明显高于A组(P<0.05);B、C组各有1例和3例出现恶心、出汗、肌肉抽搐,C组1例病人出现惊厥。各组在用药后10 min、15 min共有42例(70%)和47例(78.3%)患者清醒,B、C组5min、10min、15min清醒率明显高于A组(P<0.05)。结论:静吸复合全麻后静注佳苏仑1 mg/kg有较好的催醒和呼吸抑制逆转作用,副作用的发生也较少,是较理想的催醒药物剂量。
Objective:To find the most appropriate dosage of Doxapram Hydrochloride Injection used in arousing patients after general anesthesia via veins and gas.Methods:Sixty patients who would undergo general anesthesia via veins and gas were divided into three groups randomly.After anaethesia,Doxapram Hydrochloride Injection was used,the first dosages of them were 0.5mg/kg,1.0 mg/kg and 1.5 mg/kg.The vital signs,the degrees of wakefulness and side-effects such as convulsion,headache, sweating, nausea and itching were recorded.Results:After treatments the blood pressures and heart rate increased very little(P>0.05),and the incresments in group B and C were much stronger than that in group A at 5th min,10th min and 15th min(P< 0.05);Some side-effects such as nausea, sweating, and itching were found in 1 patient of group B and 3 patients of group C.There was 1 patients of group C was found convulsing.After the treatment with Doxapram Hydrochloride Injection there were 42 patients(70%)at 10th min and 47 patients(78.3%)at 15th min were awake,but the rates of them in group B and C at the time of 5th min,10th min and 15th were much higher than that in group A(P<0.05).Conclusion:One mg/kg Doxapram Hydrochloride Injection injected via veins is good for patients who have undergone general anaesthesia via veins and gas.
Practical Clinical Medicine
Iifferent dosage
doxapram hydrochloride injection
general anaesthesia via veins and gas