最常用的DNA分析方法是测DNA的限制性片段长度多态性(restriction fragme nt length polymorphism,RFLP)。此法需要微克量的未降解大分子DNA,一般难以从案例检材中获得。聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)能使DNA的特异区域扩增,供序列分析,
We have used PCR to detect DNA sequences from root region of single, freshly-plucked hairs and single, hairs plucked half a year ago. Our results demonstrated that DNA isolated from freshly-plucked hairs and hairs of half a year old was undegraded as compared with DNA digested with Hind III. The amount of DNA isolated from sin -gle, freshly-plucked hairs was arround 200 ng, that from single, plucked hairs of half a year old was arround 133 ng. It was found that both 154-bp and 130-bp fragment of DNA were obtained from male's hairs while 130-bp fragments was obtained from female's hairs. The 154-bp fragment is the expected product with the Y-specific sequence primers 1.1 and 1.2. The 130-bp fragment is the expected product with the A1u sequence primers 9.1 and 9.2. 1/3 amount of DNA isolated from single, freshly-plucked hairs was enough for ampli-fication with one pair of primers. Sex determination with 2/3 DNA can be achieved.
Journal of Forensic Medicine