Objective: To investigate relationship between proliferation and apo ptosis and the expression of related genes in prostate cancer. Methods: The expr ession of p53, bcl-2, bax and PCNA protein and apoptosis cell were detected by i mmunohistochemical method and in site end labeling method(TUNEL) respectively in tissues of 36 prostate carcinoma cases and 11 cases of normal prostate (NP). Re sults: There was significant difference in both proliferative and apoptotic inde xes between the tumor and normal tissues(P < 0.05), but the rate of AI/PI of the prostate carcinoma were higher than that of the normal prostate (P < 0.01). The increment of proliferative index was positively correlated with pathological gr ade(P < 0.01). The expression of p53 and bcl-2 is separately correlated well wit h proliferative index and apoptosis index. Conclusion: The results suggest that proliferation and apoptosis were both involved in the development of the prostat e cancer.p53 was correlated with the modulation of proliferation respectively; b cl-2 and bax play an important role in apoptosis regulation, the imbalance of bc l-2/bax mainly induced by the undue expression of bcl-2 play an important role i n the development of prostate cancer.
Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)