
明代郑和的塑像——福建长乐显应宫出土彩塑再探 被引量:2

Sculptural Portraits of Zheng He of the Ming Dynasty:Further Study of Coloured Sculptures Unearthed at the Xianying Temple in Changle,Fujian
摘要 1992年福建长乐漳港镇仙岐村显应宫出土5组神像。位于前殿右侧神台上的一组彩塑,民间传说名“巡海大臣(神)”。自出土以来,就有这组塑像是郑和一说,但一直没有研究确认,也没有研究者阐述它产生的历史年代和背景。作者从明朝衣冠制度出发,主要依据5种历史文献(图文)记载加以初步考察,认定主塑像就是郑和;同时又从塑像形象入手,进一步全面分析和论证塑像即郑和造像,是迄今为止国内首次发现,也是国内外造像时间最早的郑和塑像。 In 1992 a group of ?ve deity images was unearthed in the Daoist Xianying Temple in Xianqi village, Zhanggang township, Changle, Fujian province. Located on the spirit altar on the right side of the Front Hall of the temple complex, the group of coloured figures was dubbed “The God Officials who Patrol the Oceans”. Since their excavation, the theory has prevailed that this group represents Zheng He but there has been no research to back up this claim and no researcher has elucidated when these figures were carved and in what historical context. The author looks firslyt at ritual conventions governing the clothing worn by of?cials in the Ming Dynasty and draws on ?ve illustrated works of the period for this preliminary work. This attention to the details of apparel enables the author to con?rm that the ?gures do indeed depict Zheng He. The author then examines the sculptural pieces themselves, and this research also con?rms the identi?cation. This then makes these sculptural pieces the ?rst discovery to the present day in China of any sculptural images of Zheng He, and they are also the oldest sculptures of Zheng He found anywhere in the world.
作者 万明
出处 《故宫博物院院刊》 北大核心 2005年第3期13-22,共10页 Palace Museum Journal
关键词 长乐 显应宫 塑像 衣冠 郑和 Changle Xianying Temple sculptural gures costume Zheng He
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