用莜麦籽粒产量、生物产量、籽粒蛋白质产量、总蛋白质产量与尿素施用量及追施比例建立效应方程, 求解不同边际利润下的最佳施氮量及追施比例, 获得冀西北坝上高原莜麦在适应不同层次目标企求下的动态施肥模式.
Based on relations among the yield of seed、biological yield、protein yield of seed、yield of total protein、nitrogenous (N) fertilizer dosage and proportion of additional fertilizer on oats, the effect equation was established. Then the experiment was conducted to find the best N fertilizer dosage and best proportion of additional N fertilizer. The result showed that:the best dosage of N fertilizer and proportion of additional fertilizer were obtained for high yield of seed、biological yield、protein yield of seed and total protein yield of oats in different regions. So the mathematical equation of N dosage and proportion of additional fertilizer were made for different goals.
Journal of Hebei North University:Natural Science Edition
河北省农业综合研究资助项目 (96220911D)