57例老年人甲状腺机能亢进症临床分析第一医院老年科曾凡荣,蒲霞,刘永碧,马厚勋中图分类号R581.1老年人甲状腺机能亢进证(甲亢)临床表现常不够典型,误诊率亦较高 ̄[1,2]。本文就我院1983年3月至1992年2月共收治住院甲亢1006例,对其中5...
he Fifty-seven cases of hyperthyroidism in the elderly are analysed and their clinical features are dis-cussed The clinical man festations of hyperthyroidism in the aged are not typical and without obvious hyper-metabOlic state and severe enlargement of thyroidy and severe exophthalmos. Cardic disease of hyperthy-roidism is 40.3%in the aged with hyperthyroidism and the incindenec of cardic disease of hyperthyroidism issignificantly higher than that in adult patients (P<0. 01 ). The incidence of myopathy of hyoerthyroidism is15.8%. The misdiagnostic rate of hyperthyroidem in the aged is 35.1%. Measurement of thyroid.Function isof important diagnostic value.
Journal of Chongqing Medical University