笔者对大兴区主要乡镇绿色食品产地进行调查的基础上, 对土壤、水等进行了抽样采集和重金属项目的测试分析, 依据绿色食品产地环境质量现状评价技术导则, 尝试分析该地发展绿色食品的可行性。研究结果表明大兴区绝大部分地区单项污染指数均小于1, 符合绿色食品产地环境标准, 适合发展绿色食品。
On the bases of analysis of green food in the major towns in DaXing district, samples were determined on the heavy metal of irrigation water and the soil in DaXing district. According to the technical guideline for environmental assessment of the green food producing area, the feasibility of developing the green food was discussed. The result indicate that a great number of single contaminate index of heavy metal is below 1, which was suit for the environmental standard of green food and developing the green food.
Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture