在当代德国经济伦理学的发展过程中,产生了霍曼(Karl Homann)的“经济秩序伦理学”、科斯洛夫斯基(Peter KoslOWSki)的“伦理的经济学”、乌尔利希(Peter Ulrich)的“整合性的经济伦理学”。这些基本学派的产生及其理论论争,不仅构成了德国经济伦理学发展的独特景观,而且具有重大的理论和实践意义。澄清了道德和市场经济的关系,有利于提高现实经济生活的道德质量;形成了独特的理论风格,丰富了当代世界的经济伦理学。因此,为发展中国特色的经济伦理学,我们应该自觉地借鉴当代德国经济伦理学及其学派论争的成果,积极展开经济伦理学的学派论争。
In the development of contemporary German business ethics,there have emerged theories such as Karl Homann' s eth- ics concerning economic order,Peter Koslowski' s ethical economics,and Peter Ulrich' s Unitary ethics of business.The emer- gence of these fundamental schools and their theoretical controvercies not only constitute the peculiar scenes of contemporary Ger- man business ethics,but are also of great theoretical and practical significance:they have been conducive to clarifying the rela- tionship between morality and market economy so that they contribute to improving the ethical quality of real economic life;each of them also has shaped its own unique theoretical style,thus enriching contemporary theory of business ethics.In order to devel- op the theory of business ethics with distinctive Chinese characteristics,we should refer to and draw upon the positive fruits of the contemporary German business ethics and those from the controvereies among the different schools,and we ought to actively advo- cate and promote controversies between different schools of economic ethics in China.
Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)
German business ethics
principal schools
theoretical controversies